Party at the Barn!

September 26, 2012  •  Leave a Comment

I was pretty excited about the Open Barn party, but I had a wedding that day and was unsure if I could make it. I decided to head out there, knowing I'd be there about 2 hours late, just to see if there was anyone still there and to meet some other vendors and party-goers. There were still a lot of people there and Lesleigh told me that they had over 200 show! It was nice to meet those who were still there but I was bummed that I wasn't able to be there at the beginning. There was catering from Opal Mae's, Fat Daddy's Barbeque, and Savannah's. Oak Tree Bistro was there to serve italian sodas (my fave!) and I believe the Cake Place was responsible for fried pies and strawberry shortcakes that I missed out on :( . Formal Affairs was there with a fabulous arrangement of wedding attire for display, and Lubus Link Entertainment was there with fabulous lighting and a monogram light that displayed on the floor at the barn's entrance. New Digs was there with beautiful organic florals and Bent Kountry never disappoints on music. Jamie Lou was there also but I missed her. There were fabulous door prizes too!

These are just a few shots I grabbed. There wasn't much light so I wasn't able to take many outdoor pictures, but hopefully these are good enough to get an idea of what a reception might look like at the barn!



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