Liam's Birth

April 05, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Liam's birth was one of the craziest nights I've had in a while. I got a text from Courtney that she was going to go to labor and delivery for observation after her normal weekly checkup because her blood pressure was a bit high. She figured that they'd monitor it and send her home. 

At 1:40pm I got a text from Nathan saying that they were going to break her water and that they were going to have a baby! I told him that was fantastic and that I'd head their way when she was about 6cm. Almost always with first time moms that means that we've still got at least two hours to go before the pushing starts. AT LEAST. I've never missed a birth but I'm always ready for something crazy to happen just in case, so we kept in touch and it seemed like it was going to be a long night. At about 3pm they broke her water and she was still only 2 cm. Two hours later she was a 3, and around 7 she was almost a 4. At this point I literally texted "Going to be a long night, try to get some sleep!" At 9 she was about a 5/6 so I started getting ready to leave the house and tucked my kiddos into bed. The next text came in only 45 minutes later that she was at an 8/9! I had just left Russellville so I started praying that she would slow down a bit. 20 minutes later she was complete. I was completely stunned, and worried for the first time out of all my births that I wouldn't make it time. Cue more prayers. 

I made it into the delivery room around 10:30 or so and she had just started doing some test pushing. She'd just started, so we were safe and in the clear. They called the doctor and she arrived about 10 minutes later. Courtney had been told to stop her test pushes, so when she started back up I think it was maybe 3 sets of pushes and little Liam was out. It was amazing. I've only ever seen one other first-time momma fly through the end of her labor like that. Liam made his arrival at 10:57. I will say this about Courtney: most moms would have been freaking out but she was cool, calm, and actually making jokes the whole time. She was a total rockstar. I'm forever grateful for this sweet couple who have been with me for engagement pictures, bridals, wedding day, and now pregnancy announcement (I was one of the first to know!!), gender reveal, maternity, and birth. I'm blessed to get to watch little Liam grow and document his milestones until he's a full year old. I'm so honored to have been there to watch Liam enter the world, to hear his first cry, to watch Courtney's tears of joy and relief when he was placed in her arms, to see Nathan's pride and love for his beautiful wife as she bore his son. 

Courtney and Nathan, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so, so happy for you. You're already amazing parents. Thank you for letting me document this precious day for you. 

P.S. Thank you for the AMAZING gift basket and specifically the chocolate. You guys will forever be favorites of mine. 




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